
The company Manipulados VIVASA was born in 1982. Its main activity is the handling of cardboard for the manufacture of boxes and packaging.

The main products are:

  • Boxes with flaps (with half-length flap length, covering the bottom, with desired flap length, with bottom or top flaps)
  • Die cut boxes (tray with clamping slots in the width, with top lid and clamping slots, with top lid, wrap box, self-assembly box with snap flap, with clamp, with top handle, top flaps, with dividers, security lock, with double fastening slots, etc…)
  • Automatic bottom (without upper or lower closure, with flaps, with desired size flaps, with top cover, with cover and bottom, display box)
  • Glued at four points (with lid and bottom glued in the width, glued in the length, with easy-to-assemble lid)
  • Accessory sheets (triplex cardboard sheet, double double, “C” channel, “B” channel, “E” channel)